Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Something old and something new

I've taken a bit of a break from the blog because I've been sick and on travel a bit.  Here's the new news with the challenge.  Progress= NONE....I'm just staying at the same level and can't quite get ahead the past couple of weeks.  That's getting old.

Now for something new, I've developed a new way to chart my progress on a week to week basis.  Below is my new chip graph.  I'll post this with my posts from time to time.  Every chip there is worth $200 (25 total chips).  The greens show my progress and the whites show how much further till I hit my goal.  Man this looks daunting given the timeline and the way I've been running lately but it can be done.

More updates to come. Until then Challenge yourself to challenge the need.

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