Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wrapping this challenge up

The year is coming to an end and I'm wrapping this challenge up.  With a little bit of luck, some grinding, and playing some different games, I've pushed the bankroll for this challenge up to $4050.26.  What's more, I preemptively took out the goal donation amount of $2500 and donated to my favorite charity.  So, technically the challenge is over but I made a goal for myself to hit 5K by years end.  I'll get there for sure now.  I'm moving to bigger games tomorrow and I'm hoping to crush both of them.  If I do, I knock this challenge out of the park in a way I didn't even expect to do.  Wish me luck tomorrow.  If I do something big I'll post it then.   Until then, Challenge yourself to challenge the need.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Can't wait to hear how you do!
    ps: I just read your last post, I had no idea that you were having trouble getting donations. Sign me up, although I don't know how to get it there from here - can I do something online?
